Here you will find a selection of links to prayer resources,, the Archdiocese of Ottawa-Cornwall, the CCCB, the Vatican, and for truth and reconciliation.
Prayer Resources
The liturgical calendar for 2023-2024.
The readings of the day, as provided by the UCCSB using the NABRE (New American Bible, Revised Edition) translation, which is used by the Church in the United States.
The readings of the day, as provided by Living with Christ using the NRSV (New Revised Standard Version) translation, which is used by the Church in Canada.
The saint of the day. The saints intercede for us and give us an example. It's good to get to know the saints now so that we can look forward to meeting them in heaven.
The Breviary online. Clergy say the Breviary every day, but lay people are permitted the devotion as well.
A video about St. Jude by Fr. Carlos Martins, CC that discusses his life and the importance of relics. Watch the video and then spend some time in front of his relic located in front of his statue at St. Jude's Parish.
A novena to St. Jude. You can use this anytime, but we start the novena on 20 October and conclude on his feast day of 28 October.
Novus Ordo Latin Mass responses and English translations, with and without Eucharistic Prayers I and II.
Consider hosting the Pilgrim Statue of Our Lady of the Cape for a week. You would pick up the statue at the church, place it on a cloth (suitably beside a vase of flowers), say a Rosary or Novena before it each day, and then drop it off at the church. The statue was donated by members of the Legion of Mary of Holy Redeemer Parish.
St. Jude's Parish and
With the cooperation of Our Lady of Divine Love parish and the schools within our territory, we are pleased to announce that we are offering Described as "Netflix for Catholics," it has catechetical videos and materials for sacramental preparation. To register:
Type K6A 2M1, select St Jude's & Our Lady of Divine Love, and then click Next.
Enter your name and your email address, and then click Sign Up.
Follow their directions to complete registration.
Follow us on Facebook.
Archdiocese of Ottawa-Cornwall
The website for the Archdiocese of Ottawa-Cornwall.
The Queenship of Mary is building a new convent near Plantagenet. Their YouTube channel features videos as their work proceeds.
Unbound Ministry provides deliverance and freedom. Contact for more information.
Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops
Pastoral letter on the Use of Social Media.
The website for the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops (CCCB).
Pope Francis has released a Declaration titled Fiducia Supplicans on giving blessings to same-sex couples and to couples in irregular marriage situations.
A useful online version of the Catechism of the Catholic Church.
The Holy See archive, with links to the Bible, the Catechism, the Code of Canon Law, and Vatican II documents.
The website for the Holy See.
Truth and Reconciliation
Indigenous Reconciliation Fund Flyer - 21 October, 2023 - 30 September, 2023
FAQs about the Indigenous Reconciliation Fund - 30 October, 2022
Homilies from the Pope's trip to Canada - July, 2022.
National Centre for Truth and Reconciliation
"Where are the Children Buried?" by Dr. Scott Hamilton
Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops (CCCB) Indigenous Peoples