Thanks to Les Couvre-planchers Clément Floor Coverings for installing carpeting in the ground floor of the rectory.
Thanks to the Ladies' Association of St. Jude's Parish for their donation towards the project.
Thanks to Ben and Michel for beginning to soundproof the family room, which is currently being used as the confessional.
Thanks to Corry, Community Life Facilitator, for putting together the 2023 Mardi Gras Fundraising Potluck.
Thanks to Bp. Scott McCaig, CC, who celebrated Mass on 10-11 September.
Thanks to Betty & Yvan Charron for helping with flooding on 17-18 February 2022.
Thanks to members of the Legion of Mary of Holy Redeemer Parish for donating a Pilgrim Statue of Our Lady of the Cape.
Thanks to Bakx for the new hedges, sod and grass seed; paid for by generous parishioners!
Thanks to Barry for refreshing the statue of the Blessed Virgin Mary!
Thanks to SPL for painting the cross on steeple of the church!
Thanks to SPL for painting the cross on the steeple of the church!
Thanks to St. Denis Briques et Pierres for completing repairs to the southeast wall!
I discovered that steel wool works well for cleaning brass.
Thanks to Ben Olsthoorn for upgrading my kitchen with better cabinets, and a new range hood, backsplash, counter, sink and dishwasher.
This team set up Christmas decorations in the church and hall.
Travis from Bell set up high speed internet for the office, rectory, church and hall.
Ben located and installed cabinets in the rectory kitchen, and installed a new counter and dishwasher...the backsplash is next.
St. Jude's school and St. Jude's parish worked together to help school families with food.
Yvan Charron rented a scaffold, and replaced and redirected the sanctuary lights.
Thanks Gus for cleaning the stained glass windows; next year he'll clean exterior sides and storm windows too: "we won't even need lights!"
Thanks McAllister's for setting up the outside creche; Christmas decorations will appear throughout the season.
Thanks Bill Young for the trolleys: he not only built them but filled them!
Thanks to Cleusa Harris for joining the team of people who sanitize the pews!
Thanks to St. Jude's Prayer Group for covering the yearly cost of our foster child, Skermine Garnier; we regret that she died in early 2021.
Lina Beck took advantage of the slower pace, and cleaned out the files and cabinets in the choir loft.
Studio SL2 updated the list of pastors. Their work was delayed by the need to make coronavirus signs for the schools.
SL Studios also updated our sign in front of the church, with our Mass times and website address.
Thanks to Gus for coming back and waxing the floors of the hall and the church!
Ben Olsthoorn did a number of electrical repairs this week, including a brighter light in the sacristy.
Agata Soltysik and Kay Krzysiak of the Altar Guild maintain the sacristy each week.
Andrew Kisiell and Fern Montpellier comprise one of our five counter teams.
June Elliot sanitizes the church after the Saturday Mass every second week, alternating with Johnny Greicken.
Lewis & Nicole McAllister, and Bill Young vacuumed the chairs in the hall since they were dusty from the duct cleaning.
Renée Savaria mows, seeds and waters our grass. It got pretty brown in late June and early July, but has come back nicely!
DuctVac cleaned the ducts in the church and rectory; first time in 60 years; they sure needed it!
Chris of Chem-Dry Imperial cleaned the carpets in the church and rectory, through a donation by a generous parishioner.
Jason of JP Home Care Services trimmed our hedges and trees; he also does a great job in clearing snow.